Entry Level Jobs

I recently saw a tweet on twitter that said: “ENTRY-LEVEL JOB OPENING: Minimum 4 years experience required. Must speak 6 languages, be an astronaut, and have the cure for cancer.” It made me chuckle for a couple minutes but then I actually started to think about what this person said in their tweet.

They are almost completely right, when you are on the entry level job search (like I am) you obviously start to read the job qualifications. What has surprised me on every single one is that the job experience must be 2 years (at least).

So this is what I don’t understand:

1. If its Entry Level why do you need 2 years of experience?

2. Do college clubs, activities or classes count towards your years of experience?

3. How do you factor Internships into that experience?

4. Why on earth is it called an Entry Level position if it isn’t actually Entry Level?

Its very frustrating to me when applying to these kinds of jobs. How am I supposed to get any type of job experience if Entry Level requires all these non Entry Level qualifications and like no one offers Post Graduation Internships that pay and with student loans I need a paycheck of some sort.

Its almost like companies are telling college grads that if you didn’t get the experience in college or on your summers off from school then you are basically screwed because we aren’t going to help you gain experience and we will not be offering you this position.

Its very frustrating.