Entry Level Jobs

I recently saw a tweet on twitter that said: “ENTRY-LEVEL JOB OPENING: Minimum 4 years experience required. Must speak 6 languages, be an astronaut, and have the cure for cancer.” It made me chuckle for a couple minutes but then I actually started to think about what this person said in their tweet.

They are almost completely right, when you are on the entry level job search (like I am) you obviously start to read the job qualifications. What has surprised me on every single one is that the job experience must be 2 years (at least).

So this is what I don’t understand:

1. If its Entry Level why do you need 2 years of experience?

2. Do college clubs, activities or classes count towards your years of experience?

3. How do you factor Internships into that experience?

4. Why on earth is it called an Entry Level position if it isn’t actually Entry Level?

Its very frustrating to me when applying to these kinds of jobs. How am I supposed to get any type of job experience if Entry Level requires all these non Entry Level qualifications and like no one offers Post Graduation Internships that pay and with student loans I need a paycheck of some sort.

Its almost like companies are telling college grads that if you didn’t get the experience in college or on your summers off from school then you are basically screwed because we aren’t going to help you gain experience and we will not be offering you this position.

Its very frustrating.

Insanity Progress

I can’t feel my legs, feet, arms, or abs but that is probably a good thing since I’m now 4 days into Insanity. I don’t know if its normal not to be able to feel any of these things but ill take it as progress. I guess i can actually feel my feet they just hurt realllly bad and my ankles feel like I broke them.

What I have learned so far: 

1. I need to hydrate more before I do Insanity

2. The warm up is the hardest part of the workout

3. The stretching part right after the warm up is amazing!!!

I know the long term results are going to be amazing so I just have to work through this pain!!

Comment Sections

There are a lot of little things that bother me in this world. People who eat with their mouth open, People who interrupt others when they are speaking, People who think they are better than everyone else and People who think they know more than everyone else.

I have always been knowledgeable with the news and current political discussions so with the most recent Government Shutdown I made sure that I completely understood what was going on with both sides. I, like many, read the articles posted on CNN and FOX, after getting basic information I then did more research on the Affordable Care Act, actually reading some of the actual document itself, and the Constitution (since Republicans believe that Obama Care is a violation of the Constitution). I am not about to go into my own political opinions or say one side was right and the other was wrong, both sides have some work to do and need to give a little. What I am going to complain about is the comment sections in these articles.

I have always read the comment sections to see what people are thinking even if its about One Direction or Princess Kate. What really pisses me off with political article comment sections are the lack of knowledge that Americans have on basic information. You have a conservative say something about what the Republicans want and then the comment right underneath it accuses said person of getting their info off of FOX news and not doing their own research. Then you have a more liberal person make a comment about how Obama is doing a wonderful job and the Republicans are crack jobs and then of course there is a comment underneath of that from a conservative saying some contradictory statement to Obamas presidency. Which is fine people can argue all they want over their political opinions BUT only if they have the facts, understand the politics and have done their research.

You cant have an argument with someone over what is going on in this country if you don’t understand the laws, you haven’t read the document or bill itself and if you are only getting your information from the News. There isn’t one news station out there that doesn’t lean one way or the other. Every single one writes either liberal or conservative. The worst being FOX, CNN and MSNBC. So it really makes me laugh when i see a comment on a CNN or MSNBC article stating that the conservatives need to stop getting information from FOX and then you see the comments on the FOX articles saying the liberals need to stop getting their information only from CNN and MSNBC. I mean the people are completely right but its almost like a joke. Half of the information in the comment sections are completely made up! People just want to prove some sort of point and its just insane because they just look stupid when someone else proves them wrong.

I just think that all comment sections need to be disabled. There is ALWAYS going to be one person who doesn’t agree with something and there is always going to be one person who will write some negative comment about something.

The Problems with the new Nicholas Sparks book

NicolasSparksTheLongestRide-300x300I gotta say when I found out that Nicholas Sparks was coming out with another book I was so excited. I absolutely love the majority of his books and so I had extremely high expectations for this one.

I made sure I had the entire day clear before I even bothered to go pick it up from my bookstore, I knew that as soon as i opened it i would read it straight through only pausing to get a snack or let the dog outside.

To my surprise after 2 chapters I was ready I put the book down. Not only had I predicted what was going to happen I was also extremely bored and confused.

Problem 1: The book switches between three main characters: Sophia, Luke and Ira. The switching of characters by chapter doesn’t really bother me that much but in this book it was just confusing. Sophia and Luke are college aged students who know each other and eventually start dating and then there is a 90 year old man, Ira, who got into a car crash and is hallucinating in his car waiting for help to arrive.

Problem 2: By the end of the first sentence between Luke and Sophia you know that this is the love story in the book, you know that by the end they will be in love and most likely either married or engaged.

Problem 3: You don’t find out until one of the final chapters how Ira even connects to Sophia and Luke and the connection was predictable.

Problem 4: The book seems like 2 ideas that got smashed into one book.

Problem 5: I compare every Sparks book to the Notebook and I just need to accept the fact that nothing will ever come close.

To summarize: The book doesn’t make sense until one of the final chapters, you can figure out the entire book before it even ends and its a complete waste of time and a disappointment. Hopefully the movie will be better.

What Every Unemployed College Grad Needs To Pass The Time

1. Netflix or Hulu: At least if you are jobless you can catch up on your favorite TV show. If you graduated in the last year I’m sure you fell behind on some of your favs..now is the perfect time to catch up..you have no job to wake up for, no tests to study for and no papers to write. 

2. A New Hobby: I personally have taken on cooking, I have never been great at it and with both my parents working I can spend hours during the day cooking new foods for them to try for dinner when they come home from work. 

3. Books: When you get sick of your new hobby and don’t feeling like watching Netflix anymore you can pull out a book and invest your time in that.  Don’t have money for new books? You can always get a library card or pull out the Harry Potter series you have stuck in the back of your closet and reread all of them. 

4. Comfy pillow: Let’s face it, if you are unemployed and in your early 20s you will probably at least sleep 10 hours a night and spend at least another 5 laying in your bed on your Mac. So you will probably need to spend whatever money you might have laying around on a nice pillow. 

5. a Blog: hobbies, books, and TV only last for so long and you need something else to pass the time. Blogging is a great way to catch up on things, learn new things and write down your feelings. Even if its just a photo blog it could still be fun. You could even try a “Photo a Day” challenge which would make you leave your house and explore.