Comment Sections

There are a lot of little things that bother me in this world. People who eat with their mouth open, People who interrupt others when they are speaking, People who think they are better than everyone else and People who think they know more than everyone else.

I have always been knowledgeable with the news and current political discussions so with the most recent Government Shutdown I made sure that I completely understood what was going on with both sides. I, like many, read the articles posted on CNN and FOX, after getting basic information I then did more research on the Affordable Care Act, actually reading some of the actual document itself, and the Constitution (since Republicans believe that Obama Care is a violation of the Constitution). I am not about to go into my own political opinions or say one side was right and the other was wrong, both sides have some work to do and need to give a little. What I am going to complain about is the comment sections in these articles.

I have always read the comment sections to see what people are thinking even if its about One Direction or Princess Kate. What really pisses me off with political article comment sections are the lack of knowledge that Americans have on basic information. You have a conservative say something about what the Republicans want and then the comment right underneath it accuses said person of getting their info off of FOX news and not doing their own research. Then you have a more liberal person make a comment about how Obama is doing a wonderful job and the Republicans are crack jobs and then of course there is a comment underneath of that from a conservative saying some contradictory statement to Obamas presidency. Which is fine people can argue all they want over their political opinions BUT only if they have the facts, understand the politics and have done their research.

You cant have an argument with someone over what is going on in this country if you don’t understand the laws, you haven’t read the document or bill itself and if you are only getting your information from the News. There isn’t one news station out there that doesn’t lean one way or the other. Every single one writes either liberal or conservative. The worst being FOX, CNN and MSNBC. So it really makes me laugh when i see a comment on a CNN or MSNBC article stating that the conservatives need to stop getting information from FOX and then you see the comments on the FOX articles saying the liberals need to stop getting their information only from CNN and MSNBC. I mean the people are completely right but its almost like a joke. Half of the information in the comment sections are completely made up! People just want to prove some sort of point and its just insane because they just look stupid when someone else proves them wrong.

I just think that all comment sections need to be disabled. There is ALWAYS going to be one person who doesn’t agree with something and there is always going to be one person who will write some negative comment about something.